Well, happy new year! =) I had a nice Christmas and New year vacation, and I hope you guys had one, too. :)
I just came from the city with my Pangga. We watched Narnia. And I tell you, it's a beautiful movie! Go see it! :) Despite its many flaws, as what some very good movie reviews have pointed out, I still say that it's a very beautiful movie, not just because of the cinematography and the great acting (particularly of the adorable little Lucy), but also and most especially because of the story itself, which is rich in meaning (of the story of Christianity). I wasn't able to appreciate it when I read the book a long time ago, but now, with the passing of time, and because I have understood a bit more the story of Jesus' coming into this world, His death and resurrection, etc., I was really fascinated and awed by the significance of the story of Narnia. It is humanity's story, too. It is the story of Original Sin and God's great love and sacrifice for us.
Yesterday Pangga and I watched Exodus. I couldn't believe we actually went to see the movie. I'm not much of a fan of Tagalog movies, you see. I rarely watch Pinoy films, and rarely come across ones that are of good quality (to mention just a couple, "Magnifico" -- the best Pinoy movie I've ever seen; a truly moving and profound film; and "Milan" -- Hehe, I can't believe myself either. Me, watching a Pinoy love story? I've never imagined I'd do it because ever since I reached adolescence I've sworn to myself never to "stoop so low" [I was young and so elitist, you see] as to watch a Tagalog love story... Milan is truly beautiful though heartbreaking. I guess that's what makes a Pinoy movie good, when it has social relevance, or when it has something truthful to say about our times, particularly as modern-day Filipinos). We were amazed by how much our movies have improved on the "special effects" side. In Exodus you can really see the progress we've made. Of course, it is far from perfect, or far from Hollywood, but at least you can really appeciate the improvements. The meat of the film though, or the story itself, is not very good. There are many flaws and lapses.
I'm not looking forward very excitedly at my health center and hospital "duties" in the coming weeks (my first duty in Tisa Health Center went fine, by the way). I don't know why. Perhaps because hospitals and health centers are such dark and dismal places to look at. But of course pud, how do I expect hospitals and health centers to look like, right? Why am I complaining? I've never should've taken nursing in the first place if that is my attitude... Well, I don't know. I don't know why I've developed this kind of negative mentality.
But I find consolation every time I remember that ever since I was very young, I've always liked the atmosphere of an hospital. I've always loved that distinct smell that hospitals have. I've always loved walking in the hospital corridors exploring the hallways, the rooms, the wards, etc. Come to think of it, I've always liked watching the health care staff while they work to and fro the hospital... Maybe... I'm quite embarassed to say this... nursing is my calling? Hahahaha.... I surely, surely hope I have what it takes to become a nurse. =)
You know, before I enrolled in nursing, I've always had this impression that nurses are glum people (Part of the reason why I hesitated to take nursing). Maybe because I rarely see nurses who smile, who laugh, who at least appear to enjoy or love their work. (But of course, no one can ever measure a person's happiness or satisfaction by merely observing his appearance). But who can blame them, right? Nurses, by the very nature of their work, are always exposed to the most serious facts that all of us have to face sooner or later -- the reality of suffering and death. That's why nurses are serious, because their work is no laughing matter. Their job is not to be taken lightly. But... ideally, isn't there joy involved in the caring of the sick and dying? Because there is the opportunity to practice the human capacity for love. That's a most wonderful gift, when we are given the chance to concretize or make visible the non-visible mystery that is love to people who need it the most. That's why, ideally, to serve as a nurse, or any caregiver for that matter, is such a privilege. It's beautiful, if you think about it, although nurses get discouraged very often because of the stress of their work (or the sheer weight of their work load) and because it's not always or often that your efforts at caring are appreciated.
My impression of nurses has changed quite a bit.
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