Monday, February 11, 2008


I will really miss our duty in Badian; it was our group's last district assignment, so no more out of town trips and week-long stays in creepy dormitories together. Sigh.

What I will miss most is the freezing shower in the dead of night. We wake up at around 11 every night. The hospital was just 2 minutes' walk away from the dorm, so we had plenty of time. Going to the bathroom takes so much effort. I always felt a hint of panic, because I always did not get enough sleep during the day. But when the icy water hits my skin, though, all anxiety fades away, and I hum to the tune of the RnB music our C.I. always plays in the background. She played it so often that we were all able to memorize the songs by heart, and their sequence.

It wasn't very much busy in the ward because most of the patients are asleep during that time. All we did was monitor the vital signs every four to two hours, prepare the medications and write the SOAPIEs. After that we go to the library and get some midnight (not exactly) snack. Then we carefully prepare the chairs and benches where we are to nap. Hehehe...

Those of us who didn't want to sleep entertained ourselves with reading patients' charts (as if that's entertaining), reading a book, or watching movies on an iPod. I saw portions of Snakes on a Plane. Ate R had a Freudian slip when I asked her what the movie's title was: "Sex on a Plane".

On our last day an old man was brought to the ER because of gunshot wound. He was already dead. They said it was politically-motivated. The shooting occured in Moalboal, over an hour's drive from Badian, at around 11 in the evening. It was already 4 AM when he arrived.

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